Do you have concerns about Stuart Reges?

Do you have concerns about Stuart Reges?

Every year, some University of Washington lecturers' contracts are renewed. These contracts end in June, but the decision for whether a lecturer’s contract is renewed happens in mid-December. In the case that the decision for Stuart Reges' contract is this December, we as community members of UW wanted to organize and share a letter to ensure that our concerns and experiences are considered in this decision. The letter currently has a few personal anecdotes, and we invite you (from any major, field, role, etc) to share about Reges' impact on you and the student experience.

Steps you can take?

1. Read the letter so far here:

2. Submit this form to sign your name in support and/or share any anecdotes that you would be open to us including on the letter. You can submit this as many times as you need, so you could, for example, submit first to sign and submit again later on to share your anecdotes. (To be transparent, we ask for your email for follow-up purposes, as well as additional quarter/year information to examine patterns in the submissions.)

3. Share this form with anyone else who may be interested via this link:

After the deadline, we will be adding these signatures and anecdotes to the letter, and sending the final letter to Dr. Nancy Allbritton, UW's Dean of the College of Engineering, who plays a significant role in deciding contract renewals.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

UPDATES as of 12/9/19 10:45pm: The final letter may also be shared publicly for greater transparency and impact. You may choose to opt out below. If you have previously submitted this form, please re-submit to opt in to your story being included on the publicly shared letter.

NOTE: Please use a NON-UW affiliated email address.
Email address *
Is the email above a NON-UW email? (If it IS a UW email, please be aware that UW has access to any and all of your emails.) *
First Name *
Your answer
Last Name *
Your answer
What year of college are you currently in (including UW and other institutions)?
Major(s)? Intended Major(s)? Field?
Your answer
What classes have you taken from Stuart Reges? Please check all that apply
What quarter(s) did you have Stuart Reges? Please check all that apply
How much prior CS learning/experience did you have before taking your first class with Stuart Reges?
What year of college were you in *when you took your first class from Stuart Reges* (including UW and other institutions)?
SIGN: Would you like to sign the letter? *
SHARE: Please share any personal anecdotes/experiences that you would be open to us including in the letter. How has Stuart Reges impacted you? Your learning? Your academic decision-making? Your overall student experience?
Your answer
ANONYMITY: If you shared any stories above and they are included in the letter, your first name and course quarter may be included with your stories (e.g. First, Spring 2019). You can opt out by checking any/all of the boxes below
Anything we missed?
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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